
Monday 12 June 2017

Weekend Reflection

Weekend Reflection

WALT: Reflect on what we done on the weekends.

On Saturday I went to church the group that was preaching was the women's ministry. I dont know what they were preaching about because I was outside looking after my little brother and other kids. When church finished my parents dropped me off at home and went to my grandpa and my nana's house. While I was waiting for my parents to come back I was eating Lu Sipi. When my parents got home we had to go back to church. When we got to church it was time to go to class. I think we finished about two pursuits. When class finished we went inside for the last program. The last program was about our church youth going to Niue. After church we went to a house in Avondale for this thing. It was for a man that past away. He was Niuean and Tongan. He was one of the men's that helped out the youth in Niue. We just went to there house to comfort them but only a little bit of the youth turned up to the house.

On Sunday I stayed home cleaned up the house with my brothers. When we finished we went for a ride to Glen Innes but I left with my mum to go and pick up the washing. After wee picked up the washing we had to go and pick up my dad from church. I think my dad was helping the men's clean up the church. When we left church we went to my uncle house for a meeting. When we left my uncle's house we went back home. I was just sitting in the lounge watching movies with my brothers.


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