
Tuesday 13 September 2016

I Am Lost In The Jungle

I Am Lost In The Jungle

Day 1
My name is Siosifa and I have been  lost in the jungle for 1 week. I have decided to write a journal to keep track of what has been happening these past few days. I have been hiking and haven’t stopped till now write this down. I miss my home and my family I have been wondering if they sent are search party for me. I started dehydrating but then I saw are river up a head so I ran as quick as I could I was drinking it for three minutes. I started hiking and saw the sun was about to go down I ran as fast as I could to try make shelter out of sticks I made a fire next to where I was sleeping so I can keep warm during the night.

Day 2
I was struggling to find food and water  but then I saw a deer in the distance. So I watched it and followed it to his habitat. I made a spear so I can  stab it and eat it for dinner. I saw some lions so I ripped my sleeves and wrapped it around my spear and lit it up to scare them away. I ran and scared  them as I ran I saw the deer I decided to leave the lions alone and kill the deer to survive. I killed the deer and dragged it back to shelter and cooked it in the fire. I left to cool down. I went to look for the river to fill my water bottle again. I went back to shelter and ate the deer but then the sun was about to fall so I went to sleep. And once again another day has past.

Day 3
I want to go home but I can't find my way out. I hiked and saw are big tree I climbed it to try find which way  to get out but the jungle was to big to find a way out. I climbed back down and saw a lion I stayed up in the tree for a few hours and once it left are ran away back to shelter to get my spear to protect me from danger. I was hiking and hiking till I came to are stop. I saw some people I ran towards them but they drove away from me. A crate dropped out of the back it was filled with guns. The only gun. All I wanted was the flare gun so I can signal a  helicopter that comes past. I went back to shelter to go back to rest from this hard day.

Day 4

Today is the day. The day I finally get out of here. I hiked and hiked to the top of the mountain there were are couple animals there. Also dangerous animals. I waited and waited and still nothing happened. I went back to shelter and sat there for while. As I was sitting down I was losing faith in me surviving. But then something happened just before I was about sleep. There was a helicopter. I   grabbed the flare gun and shoot it. They flew down to pick me up. They asked me are bunch of questions. After that they took me back home and dropped me off to my house. My parents and brothers ran out and gave me the biggest hug I have ever got.


Anonymous said...

Sifa , First of all let me start of with the first paragraph . Remember Sifa it's not " Are " it's " A "
I saw " A " river and I saw " A " river ahead .
And Also the part i saw the deer doesn't make sense it's meant like this .I ran and i saw a deer and i decided to leave the lions alone . If you don't get this read this to Ms. Komor she'll get what im saying. Bye - LJ .

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

But then again it is a good story keep it up !

Anonymous said...
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